The Chinese are nice!

sheep’s milk? i dont know.

The Cat's Blog -

A lot of people don’t only think but say that the Chinese are a bunch of bastards, they eat Cats and Dogs, they have taken up America’s tricks of spying on everyone in the world, they don’t accept much in the way of personal freedoms and in general have dreadful taste in clothes.

But that aside I have found out a little secret of the Chinese that they might not want me to share with you, dear cuddly readers, and that is that they do have a softer side.

Dim sheep have a future in China

Ah! Yes in China dim sheep have a future it would seem!

About the Author

The Cat Portrait2

The Cat is one of the most successful feline authors in the history of Catkind. His sharp elegant wit has produced the bestselling book ‘Getting Out – Excerpts from a Cat’s Diary’ and of course the much plagiarised gag of the same name which appears on…

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